Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Growing Up Online" & "Digital Nation"

After watching both "Growing Up Online" and "Digital Nation," I was a bit disturbed and overwhelmed. So much craziness that I was not really aware of. I have heard about cyber-bullying and young girls putting "sexy" pictures of themselves online, but I guess I was just hoping that it wasn't reality. Growing up in a small town and my family being very involved in my life, I wasn't aware that technology was really as negative as "Growing Up Online"portrayed it to be. It makes me so extremely sad to know that children have to turn to online outlets because they can't turn to their families or friends. And that some children can be as mean as they are, potentially being the cause of someone's suicide. But I don't think that technology has to be that negative.

I think that we should be coming up with ways to use the internet and technology to enhance the lives of students. I agree with what was said in "Digital Nation" that no matter how much we don't like technology, it isn't going away and is only going to advance. So I think that as educators, we should incorporate technology so that students will have the knowledge and skills that are needed in the real world today. So instead of complaining that the internet is making the current and upcoming generations completely reliable and incompetent without it, we should be brainstorming new ways that technology can help our children.

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